Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Say what?

Windy rainy days. Oh Vancouver knows how to start the year. Nevertheless, everyday I seem to fall in love with the city more and more. I've actually been out everyday...looking for things. I don't know what exactly but my mind is telling me that I need to be out there looking. So I am.

I shouldn't be, because the doctor told me today that I have a bad case of the cold. A virus. The name, I think, starts with the letter "A". And my voice sounds like that of a 13 year old boy going through puberty. He told me to rest my voice and so if you call my place during the next few days my parents might not let you speak to me. I don't see how "mission shut your pie hole" is going to work seeing as how I am planning to spend a lot of time with my friends this week.

My parents are going to be very annoyed with me. As will my voice.

1 comment:

Zed said...'re the best. I just checked out your blog. It looks super. Did you open it up just so you could write a comment here? I hope not. Because you can click on "anonymous" and write a comment without any signing up hassle.

I will definitely give you my address. Make sure you keep me updated on life at U of Vic.