Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I am down

under. I made a friend on the plane. It was really funny because he was an aussie who was returning to Australia from Canada, after having spent 12 months there. So we were doing the same thing, except his trip was ending and mine was just beginning. Sixteen hours of flying and three airplane meals later, I was at Sydney airport bright and early in the morn. Except it was already 25 degrees celsius. I knew I was in for trouble in my jeans and black shirt. But thank goodness for air conditioning.

My cousin, his wife and their son were there to greet me. We drove back to their place. It's a 40 minute drive from the city, in a suburb called Greystanes. It's ridiculously hot but hopefully I'll adjust quickly. My aunt is already spoiling me with her delicious meals. Like mango daal....mmmm. Anyway, the weather has been fascinating. It's bright and sunny (35 degree) one minute and pouring rain with loud thunder the next. That is all for today. I'm being called to watch Madagascar with my cousins' kids. Tata.


g. mango said...

hoorah! i am glad you have made it safe and sound to the land down under. i'd like to put in an order for a tall, dark, and handsome aussie between the ages of 24 and 27.

please ship to me in four to six weeks.

Zed said...

Well then the guy I met on the plane would have been almost perfect Nellie. He was 24, tall, handsome but not so dark. But he HAD just lived in Canada for a year. Give him some time. I'll continue to look.

Excited for youth group to start full swing? Tell all the kiddies that I miss them trop!

julie anna said...

Glad things are going so well for you, Zed!

And also, you've been tagged! Check my blog for more info!

julie anna said...

Glad things are going so well for you, Zed!

And also, you've been tagged! Check my blog for more info!

Anonymous said...

thats cool! is madagascar good i haven't seen it yet. and what is your gmail acount?


Anonymous said...

awesome job zenith so i wanna hear more bout this aussie guy???? hey o0o0o0o0o0 hahah ok bye


Zed said...

Mitch, Madagascar is really funny. I'm definitely going to watch it again. My gmail account-

Tay, I'm probably never going to see this guy again. Though we did exchange email adds. He's a carpenter from Australia who went to Canada for a year to work.

Julie, read my comment on your blog. Haha.

g. mango said...

oh my goodness! he is a carpenter!!! seriously, zen, send him my way! ;)