Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Spring is in the fairy floss

Walking through uni with flowy summer dress.Walking past the uni art festival's free sausage sizzle. Picking up sausage, one sliced bread, and tomah-to sauce from the chill English chef on campus. Temperature: 24 °C. Polishing off the free lunch under a tree. Up again. Walking past that a free fairly floss stand? Fairy floss in hand. Taking sunnies out of bag and putting them on. Smile. You should be on kodak camera.

Zenith does not take these uni days for granted.

Translation for the homies back home:

Uni: University
Fairy Floss: Cotton Candy
Sausage sizzle: The act of barbequing sausages...?
Sliced Bread: We know this one guys. The aussies just prefer to wrap a single slice of bread around their sausages instead of using a bun
Tomah-to Sauce: Ketchup
Sunnies: Shades

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