So I have found myself an apartment yesterday. It’s really a 2 storey terrace house. And it is a dump. The place looks sooo ghetto but I took it because I’m tired of looking and the number of available places near school is decreasing at a very fast rate. That’s what you get when you want to live right IN the city but do not want to spend a lot of mula. This house is a 7 minute walk from school which is a whole lot better than my hour and a half commute to UBC from Surrey. The rent is relatively cheap and it covers all the utilities (gas, electricity etc), broadband internet, and my fully furnished room. My room even has a little t.v. in it. So far I’ve been told that I have two roommates: a petite girl (shorter than me apparently) from China, and a tall guy from Jordan. Sounds like international house to me. The landlord told me that my room used to belong to another Canadian. Oh! Oh my goodness, you will never believe this. Ready? My landlord’s name is…wait for it…Mr. Zenith Wong. I am not kidding you. My whole life I’ve been waiting to meet another Zenith and it has finally happened. It. was. weird. I asked him if I could call him Mr. Wong so as to not confuse each other and the other tenants. After laughing about it for a good minute, we both agreed that I should refrain from calling him by his first name.
I’ve gotten into the habit of including photos in all of my posts, so here you are. This is a photo of a poster I found on the window of a travel agency at my university.

Would love to hear your responses regarding this über interesting advertisement.
Hey Ash smash,
I'm moving in about a week. That poster made me laugh for a good 5 minutes. Tell the girls I say hi! And mail me you bum!
Hey zen, it's amanda, i'm so jelious ur in australia i've wanted to go there for years and hoping in the near future to do so. so u gatta give me all the kool places to go when u get back. anywho thought i'd say hi and and let u know how jelious i am, any who hope all goes well. and for old times sack ,i circle u ;P muah
Wow, it is like reading something from the future...creepy...
Also, that ad made me laugh. Loudly. I think my mom thinks I'm crazy now.
Another Zenith, that is very exciting! Sounds like Australia will never cease to be an adventure for you!
Amnd: So good to hear from you! I will for sure give you all the info about this city (where to go and whatnot). How is work going at vancity?
I circle you twice!
Julie: I feel your blatant sarcasm from the other side of the ocean. But it most definitely IS like writing from the future. Y'all can laugh at me all you want!
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