What have I been doing since I've moved into my new place? A whole lot of nothing much. My days are taken up by grocery shopping, banking, info sessions at school, cooking, cleaning, and eating. It's not a bad life but I must admit I'm getting a bit restless. I won't lie, I actually miss school. However I am very thankful that the Winter Olympics is on because I have been glued to the T.V. cheering on the Canadian athletes. Most of the time I am too loud and probably confuse and scare my non-Canadian roommates.
But seriously. The Canadian women's hockey team is fully kicking derrière. If pounding Italy and Russia wasn't enough...they go on and school the Swedes. I was cheering for Sweden for a while, but had to stop when the home team came on the rink.
Meanwhile, considering that Australia won its first gold medal in the Winter Olympics at Salt Lake City, its athletes are not doing too badly. There are no medals so far but man, there sure are a lot of aussies in cold Turin cheering their country on. Here are some blurry shots to prove my point. Blurry because I am a geek and snapped away at my T.V. You should try it sometime.

This boy above is not only really cute,
more importantly, is a supportive sibling of an aussie luge athlete and shows great pride in his country.
Hence the flag worn as a cape.
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