My place is located in a suburb called Newtown. But this suburb is located right in the city. I've slowly realized that what "Sydney-ers" call suburbs, Vancouverites call neighbourhoods. So Kerrisdale,Grandview-Woodlands, Shaugnessy, and Killarney would all be considered suburbs, by an Aussie. I've seen and heard the most interesting things about Newtown. And so far, everything has made me come down to the conclusion that it is a lot like Commercial Drive. Judge for yourself.
- "Newtown is an artsy-fartsy suburb filled with freaks, poofs, junkies and weirdoes"
- "Newtown is a suburb where you will encounter anyone from same sex couples, goths, suited professionals, heterosexuals and students from the local Uni"
- "There is an air of tolerance about this place. You can tell there is no expectation either way - you can be whoever you want to be in Newtown."
Sound familiar? I love Commercial Drive so I think I'm going to be down with this place. The area also looks very quaint because...during the 1920s there was a lot of investment going into the real estate in the area and loads of impressive shops were built along the main street while the middle class workers were all shoved into terrace houses built in between the shops. And these same shops and houses are still standing there today. Thought I'd share that little tidbit with ya. Oh and's a montage someone has made from photos of the area.

They're crazy alright. But I'm getting used to their ways. Now I voluntarily say "mobile." Hahah.
hey zen,
so r u sharing the two story place wiht pple or do you have two story's too yourself? and do u have your own kitchen and everything.?? you better learn how to cook some aussie food and make me some!!!! muahhaha ok talk to ya.
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