My blog is still set to Vancouver time. Until I figure out how to change that I'm going to type out the date and time on top of each entry. So today my cousin dropped me off at my uni (Aussies, like the Europeans don't say the rest of the word). U of Sydney is a little bigger than UBC so finding my way around reminded me of freshmen year, which was not so long ago. But I loved it. I walked into the first big building I came across. (Look at photo on top)
It took my breath away. I walked inside and went to the information desk and asked for a map. The rest was a piece of cake. I went into the International office. The people there were really nice, just like the staff at the International House at UBC. I asked them a whole lot of questions and they were quite helpful. Then I walked around, found the train station with the help of some locals, and went into the core of the city. It was really fun walking around aimlessly. I had no idea where I was and where I was going. Then my stomach started grumbling so I walked into this place called Central Gourmet Cafe. I was looking at the menu and the dish the stood out at me was the following:
Spatchcock with mushroom bacon gravy. Served with chips and salad.
I asked the waitress what the word "spatchcock" meant. She gave me this look...as if I'd just asked her the meaning of the word "potato" or "sky." Then a smile quickly spread over her face as she told me that it meant "chicken." You learn something new everyday. I ordered it and it was delicious. I came home and looked up the origin of the word. I won't write about it here. That'll be your homework. After lunch I, with the help of my cousin who kept on calling me on my mobile (haha, mobile), found my way back home. Forty minutes on the train, and a fifteen minute walk. All the way from Sydney to Greystanes.
I'm quite pleased with myself. The things I can do on my own. Watch out, big foreign city!
Go Zenith! I am very impressed with both your navigational skills and your mastery of a new language! But I must say, the thing that took my breath away in that picture was the bright blue sky, sans coulds. Oh sky and sun. How I miss them. I'm jealous, Z.
Haha. I guess that would also take one's breath away. I am also very impressed with my mastery of this new language. As you have noticed from my blog I have already started to say things like: mobile, uni, toilet or bathroom, and year instead of grade.
For example- "Is that boy, the one going to the toilet behind the uni with a mobile, in year 9?"
My, that was a strange sentence.
lol. it's a good thing you had kim james and callie to give you an australian english primer way back when.
i am very impressed by you. and also, people need your snail mail address. and by people, i mean me.
I was definitly goin' a different direction with the word "spatchcock" and it wasn't pretty! I just can't wait till my daughters can wander aimlessly through a foreign city...your parents must be so proud! (please note the heavy use of sarcasm!)
Nice photo though, lovin' the blue blue sky...
Haha. Yes Nad, spatchcock on its own is a little misleading. I CAN'T WAIT till your daughters get to wander aimlessly through a foreign city. (Note the use of no sarcasm.) Of course by then they will be twenty something years old and I will have given them a little pep talk because by then I will be old and wise.
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