This is why you travel...
(and by you I mean me)
a. To mispronounce street names and look like an asshole.
b. To look at the wrong side of the road and get run over. So far I've been fine but Zina almost got run over twice and almost gave me heart attacks and aneurysms in the process.
c. Eat the "local" food until you get sick of said local food and go back to eating Thai, Indian, or Chinese. Unless you're in Thailand, India, or China. Then you're screwed.
d. To carry heavy crap on your back from trains to buses to trains, all the while feeling your shoulder muscles turn to rock.
e. Mess with your own accent to mess with the locals.
f. Try to copy the locals' accents and get beat up.
g. Pronounce the word about "aboot"
h. Generally lie about Canada.
i. Make fun of the local currency (the size of the coins, the lack of 25 cent coins, the way the Queen looks funny when you hold the bill/coin from a certain angle)
j. Befriend at least one local, preferably a big strong one who can protect you against the other locals who're after you because of the whole "accent" thing.
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