I'd originally opened this blog for my exchange trip to Australia and thought I wasn't going to use it once I'd return to Canada. And since I've come back, I've only written one post so it has pretty much been left to sit and twiddle its cyber thumbs.
However, after 5 months in Canada my heart grew restless and off I went to travel around again. Ok, I won't pretend I'm in a distant, exotic (as much as I hate using that word) country. I'm in the U S of freakin A. The land of one dollar notes, iced tea with syrup only upon request, and less tax. The lack of tax rocks. So I figured maybe I'll only write on my blog when I'm traveling...? Ha. I won't be writing on this thing much during the next year. But here goes-
Since I've left Vancouver on Friday morning I've:
- Been on a bus with a driver who'd never taken this trip before, got lost, forgot to shut the luggage cabinet shut and almost lost some of our luggage
- Checked into the awesomest hostel ever in Seattle, checked out the Seattle Art Museum, and ran into a club for catholic navy men called "The Catholic Seamen's Club." The smile that was brought to my face...I took a photo. I shall upload it soon.
- On the way to the airport, sitting on the bus, chatted with two guys, one of whom kept on commenting on how small and cute my feet were...and then insisted on seeing my toes...I told him for olfactory reasons I probably should refrain...and I did.
- Flew for 3 hours to Chicago, ate at a McDonald's at the airport because that's how desperate and time restrained I was, before boarding a plane to Washington, DC
- Arrived in DC confuzzled by the time zone switch and flustered by the Alaska Airlines' lack of information about my luggage. I did however get picked up by Divya's bro and was brought to Divya's parents' house in Maryland. And I also got all my luggage.
I've been staying here in Maryland with Div's family since yesterday. She's still writing her exams at her school in Ohio. But it's been really fun hanging out with her family and getting to know them. This morning I went to a Methodist church with Div's mom. The suburban Maryland Methodist church and sleep deprived Zenith got along well enough. There were a few moments where church was like "word" and I was like "meh I'm tired" but all in all it was a fun time. Tomorrow I'm catching a train to DC and then a bus for 5 hours to NY. The weather is getting nicer by the day. I'm looking forward to whipping out the skirts and the shorts! Anyway, enough rambling for now. I will write again in a few days. Toodle doo.
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