So I arrived in NY on Monday and have been scoping out the scene here since. I'm staying at my aunt's. She and the fam have moved houses since I've last been in this city. Now they live in a nice rich neighbourhood between Brooklyn and Queens. It's funny, their house falls under Brooklyn but the neighbouring 5 houses fall under Queens.
It's been awesome being able to explore NYC on my own. I love wandering around in foreign cities not knowing where the heck I'm going. But I must say/brag, I'm very good with public transportation. Maybe it's from the years of commuting around Vancity due to the lack of my drivers license but I'm just awesome at figuring out public transporation in new cities. My aunt was well impressed with my ability to just pick up a map and trodd all over town on the subway and bus and not get lost. Even in a city as overwhelming as New York. So far in the big apple I've:
-Pranced around the greater Times Square area numerous times
-Tried to get a ticket to my favourite musical ever, Wicked, and failed. And cried. No I didn't cry but I spent the rest of the day at the Museum of the City of New York and looked at the history of Broadway shows instead. And the history of jewish immigrants in NYC as well as the history of every other thing related to this city.
-Visited a childhood friend of mine, Popy,(who just had a baby girl, Shiloh) and spent the whole day with them. We hadn't seen each other in 5 years so there was a lot of catching up to do. She showed me some interesting parts of town like the rich jewish neighberhoods, Jackson Heights, and Jamaica Ave (where we got manicures and pedicures done for 12 bucks!) I also met her husband Jose and helped him put together an Ikea table only to realize it was too big for their living room.
-Hung out with my aunt, uncle and my cousins and have fallen in love with their dog. He's a Yorkshire Terrier and his name in Pluto. He has ditched the rest of the family and sleeps on my bed with me and follows me everywhere. He probably weighs less than 5 pounds and I often have the urge to squish him to death he's so cute.
-Been analyzing the subculture that is the "subway lifestyle." Hiphop artists breaking out and doing their thang on the train, on the platform of the stations, hearing accents from all over the place and being surrounded by people of every age, class, and race imaginable.
-Tomorrow I will be meeting up with my mom's ex-classmate's son, John. Or just simply family friends. When I was last in NY him and I were both in high school so it'll be interesting to catch up and see how he's been. Apparently he works at a law firm in Empire State Building and that's where he's taking me know, just another typical day in Zen's life. NOT.
That's all for now. I'll be leaving this overpopulated all important city on Sunday for Ohio. It's a 13 hour bus ride from here to Cleveland. Mmmmm. I cannot wait. Until then,