This first one is from rehearsals. It's near the end of the play where I've been searching for my son, referred to as just "Ugly", for almost a year. We all get caught in a blizzard. At the end of which I find Ugly burried underneath a pile of snow, frozen to death. Or at least I THINK he's frozen to death. Sorry for ruining the story for those of you who didn't know it. I'm was trying to cry here. Is it convincing? I thought I did a damn good job. My flatmate Tomo came to watch my performance. I made him cry! Boo. Yaa.

After the show. The actors are rushing back to the dressing room to get changed so that they can run into the lobby and bask in their glory while everyone tells them how good they were in the show.

Our director and musical director giving us notes (what we did well and what could be improved upon) after the first performance on Friday night.

I was trying to get a photo of me and my husband (Drake the papa duck). But my son decided to jump into the photo. Kinda looks like they're fighting over me. They probably weren't...I'm just full of it.

Me and my baby, Ugly.

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