Story A: It was a beautiful sunny day in early June. Tiffany, Stephanie, Jeremy and I had gone to see a rugby league game in the city. After the game we went out for sushi. And then we went to an Italian place for gelato. As we were gorging on our desserts, Tiffany announced that she was still hungry. She looked over at the table beside us and saw two little kids sitting around, NOT eating their delicious pancakes. The kids left with their parents. And one of them had barely even touched her plate. Tiffany mentioned how she was really tempted to take a bite from the pancake on the plate. Then we all started to stare and drool over the strawberry pancake platter. Tiffany was only joking. She is a germaphobe and would never ever touch a stranger’s plate. Even if the plate was left intact, which it was in this case.
Anyway, Stephanie on the other hand is the complete opposite of Tiffany. So Steph grabbed the plate from the table beside us and put it on ours. At this point Tiff started to get super embarrassed by the fact that her friend had just walked over and grabbed food from another table at a restaurant. I was a bit surprised that Steph had gone that far. Then Steph (and Jeremy) went even further and started to eat the food on the plate. And this point Tiff was just freaking out. I was entirely amused by how embarrassed and disgusted Tiffany was by the other two. So I decided to capture the moment. Here is Steph laughing her head off (and licking her fingers), and Jeremy looking up at Tiffany with an innocent face, after having taken the first bite from the kid’s plate.

Here is Tiffany. Freaking out.

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