This below is the equivalent of frosh/clubs week at UBC. I thought UBC had too many clubs. USYD changed my mind. Clubs week here is called "O Week." Why? I do not know. Also this takes place the week before school, not the first week of.

The Capoeira Club did a little demonstration. It made me think back to my 3 month relationship with the Brazilian martial art.

I know I'm impulsive but man I've really joined some random clubs and societies. Psychological society (which by the way has little to do with psych and more to do with socializing) and interfaith club anyone? There was an Xbox amusement park to the right of this stall. I forgot to take pics of that though.

i want pasta=[.
Zene I'm so stoked for you! You show em big macho breakdancers what you're made of!
Mitch...you're just cute.
i just had pasta =]
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