Then the parrot almost bit Tiffany and we both told Saira that we'd never trust her ever again (during our trip). Then we discovered the sign above our head and felt like even bigger fools for listening to Saira. We angrily pointed at the sign and posed. Except my angry face turned into a ridiculous looking fake smile. Tiff's angry face is priceless though.

I later realized as we looked through our photos that we point a lot. Here is Katelyn pointing at a bunch of little penguins. That's what they're called. Little Penguins or better known as Eudyptula minor. They're only found in this part of the world. You can't really see them in this photo though. I tried to fix the lighting.

Yes, this is me posing with a sleeping baby koala. The cutest one I've seen so far. It just slept right through all the snapping cameras and the swarms of hands trying to pet its body.

These kangaroos run freely through the park. One ran past us so fast I thought we were gonna get hit in the face by its tail. But they're smart cookies.