Je suis done! Je ne care pas what marks je get. Actually that's a big fat lie. I do care and am terrified to find out the results since je slacked off trop.
Thankfully, le Français n'était pas l'un des sujets que j'ai pris ce semestre.
I'm sure the Francophones in the area are currently twitching in pain.
j'aime your frenglish. also, I'm sure you did fabulously, and even if you didn't, you're leaving the country soon and you have much more important things to think about. Congrats on being done!!
Hehe. Always glad to annoy the French speakers.
And yes Julie it's great cause I am leaving the country soon. However, I'm terrified that if my grades aren't high enough (there's a cut off mark), U of Sydney might be really mean and turn me down last minute. That would make me pleure...a lot.
Congrats beautiful, glad to hear its all out of the way, mine arent until the second week in January... Actually no cringing occured on this side of the atlantic it was gorgeous french I was well impressed> Anyway just wishing you merry christmas and all that jazz> Hope you're getting excited for the aussis!! C
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