Seriously, if I get called "exotic looking" one more time I'm going to punch someone in the face. Or get slightly irritated and do nothing about it. As I do.
Random person at pub: You have this exotic look about you. Where are you from?
Me: Canada...?
ex·ot·ic (g-ztk)
- From another part of the world; foreign
- Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange
My conclusion: I am from "another" part of the world, where exactly I'm not sure and I am excitingly strange. I'm going to, as I usually do, take it as a compliment and be content. Well no, except for this one time-
Random person at uni: Ya I love your exotic look.
Me: Right thanks. So what does that
mean? What constitutes as "exotic"?
Random person at uni: Um...not white?
Final conclusion: I am from "another" part of the world. I am excitingly strange because I am from another part of the world. Most importantly I am
not white. So am I excitingly strange because I am not white? Before I draw any drastic conclusions I will find another one of them "exotic people lovers" and grill them with more seemingly important questions about...well color...
Zenith will keep you updated.